Tuesday, August 30, 2005


The ultimate "Quickhit"

Absinthe and tonic is most definitely the best "Quickhit" that you can obtain from any alcohol-based cocktail. This version of the bohemian beverage, forbidden in France since 1915, is undoubtedly one of my preferred drinks. When you don't have time, or simply can't be bothered to do the sugar and spoon business, mix one-third (real)Absinthe with two-thirds tonic and hey presto - the ultimate. It's great!(although it's not for amateurs, I've seen a couple of my friends reach mong status in record time after this and they're not small drinkers!) So, if you've never heard of it, or you've never tried this one - go to England, Portugal or Spain get yourself a couple of bottles, and get into it! Oh thank you.
When are we gonna get together to enjoy "the ultimate". Shitty planning is not helping either!
Smoking crack while top-lining in my lamborghini while getting hoovered by a tight ho is a pretty good hit too..

you mine, bitch
I loved this drink with all my heart when I heard that homosexual men could consumate for hours after having partaken in its gay green glow.

I love you, Austen, for having shown the world how much you love us , your own kind

Kil Bassa
President , Gay Knitting Foundation
No hits on google for that one..

I do admit that I did learn to knit once! It's very cool and much cheaper than drinking athough I don't feel too gay whilst I'm doing it.

Hey kil, what if I made you a special microscopic willy warmer for the winter months to come. I could become an honorary member....
I am named after this: Killbassa, get it?

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