Sunday, September 04, 2005


I'm going to kill the f*****

Some good-for-nothing scum has put a dent in my car door! With their foot!! I would imagine that they had attempted to break into the damn thing, even though it's completely worthless. I mean it has two hundred and forty two THOUSAND kilometers!!!! Even if they had broken into it, they would never have got it started as it has a coded ignition, ie they absolutely require THE key to start it unless they're a computer genius, which they are obviously not. Just some socialist, low-life, jealous, everybody has it better than me union-member. What are the police doing! Out catching innocent hard-working taxpayers for insignificant momentary speeding, that's what it is.

I am extremely disappointed with all of this. It's the last straw. Hither to the Capitalist Revolution! (We'll start off with capital punishment and the death penalty)

Other than that, the bottle of Pomerol I'm drinking is not too bad, but It's difficult to find decent wines for under €20. Oh and the Prince had a fly in his salad! I always thought that it should be in his soup! Beat that, Heston Blumenthal!!!
actually, it was a slug...
what is that a picture of anyway?
God, I know you've had your ass kicked many a time, but, your car, that sucks...
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